In English

We design inspiring solutions for good ageing
We study, develop, train, and publish materials for the promotion of older people’s quality of life and social inclusion.
As an expert organization, we collaborate with NGOs and municipalities, with special interest in
- health enhancing physical activity
- mental well-being
- housing, green and exercise environments
- volunteer and peer activities related to the themes listed above
We open new aspects to ageing and old age by listening to the voices of older people and the people working with them. Our research is close to everyday life of older people and offers materials for age-friendly solutions in society and supports the development of good practices.
Our applied research focuses on the age-friendliness and dementia-friendliness of housing environments. We collaborate with Finnish and European universities in promoting the equality and health of older people. We are actively involved in ROSEnet – collaboration of European experts for reducing old-age social exclusion, and HEPA Europe – European network for the promotion of health-enhancing physical activity.
We develop good practices in order to promote older people’s physical activity, functional capacity, mental well-being, volunteer and peer activities, and age-friendly environments. We produce and implement new practices in collaboration with NGOs and municipalities.
Development Programs and Projects
- Strength in Old Age
- Piloting Remote Coaching and Digital Material in Health Exercise for Older People
- Together in the Neighbourhood
- Coaching Newly Retired People for Physical and Mental Well-Being
- “My Retirement Years” – Group Coaching to Spark the Desire for Well-Being and Joy of Exercise
- Improving Older People´s Mental Well-Being by Coaching Peers to Use New Materials
- Virtual Platform and Local Activities for Information and Exercises on Mental Well-Being
- Coordination of 20 Projects Supporting Coping Skills of Older People
We train professionals in social and health care services and physical exercise in municipalities and NGOs. We also train volunteers and peers.
We organize courses, instructor training, mentoring, as well as customized training and coaching for work places.
The training themes include exercise counseling, strength and balance exercise, senior dance, outdoor exercise, mental well-being, and support for empowering environments.
We publish research reports and guidebooks on implementation of good practices to support the well-being of people in old age. We also publish guidance and learning materials to support professionals as well as peers who are acting with older adults.
Recent publications (in Finnish)
- Strength in Old Age ABC – An Efficient Operating Model for Health Excercise
- Instruction materials for international senior dance
- Remote Coaching of Health Exercise for Elderly
- Models for discussion groups: Highlighting Life Skills, Reflecting Mental Well-Being
- Guides for seniors: A Little Guide for Self-Compassion, A Pocket Book of Mental Well-Being
- Promoting Sense of Community in the Neighbourhood
Age Institute is maintained by Age Institute’s Foundation. The following actors are represented in the board of the Foundation:
• City of Helsinki
• University of Helsinki
• University of Jyväskylä
• Finnish Society for Growth and Ageing Research
• Folkhälsan
• Societas Gerontologica Fennica
• National Institute for Health and Welfare
• Finnish Union for Senior Services
Age Institute
Jämsänkatu 2
00520 Helsinki
info @